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water buffalo

"Water Buffalo, Phayao Lake" by Heiko S - via Wikimedia Commons

Water Buffalo



The Water Buffalo is between 2.5 to 3m in size, as a full-grown adult. Juveniles are usually between 170-340 cm in size. The Water Buffalo can be distinguished by its colour grey. They have no patterns.



The Water Buffalo is a consumer.  It is a herbivore and eats grass. Organisms that it competes with include platypuses and kangaroos. They compete for resources such as grass. 



Its predators include crocodiles.


Distribution and Abundance

The Water Buffalo can be found in Africa and Australia. It can be found in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory. In the Northern Territory it can be found in places like Katherine, Timber Creek, and Anthony Lagoon.  It is not native: it was introduced to Australia. The wild Water Buffalo, also called Asian Buffalo and Asiatic

Buffalo, is a large bovine native to the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.



Aerial shooting is the best method for managing buffalo. However, there is some success associated with ground shooting. The Northern Territory Government is currently working with Indigenous communities in the north to assist in the development of management programs and monitoring procedures for buffalo.


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