Photograph by Drs (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Red Kangaroo
The Red Kangaroo is known as the largest marsupial in the world. It can get up to 1.6 metres in height and 25-90 kg in weight. Males are larger than females and are red/brown with a pale underside in colour. Females are more a greyish colour and a lot smaller in size. The Red Kangaroo has short forelimbs but has extremely strong hind limbs and feet, with a long muscular looking tail. When the Red Kangaroo is on a run it uses its tail for balance and hops on its hind limbs.
The Red Kangaroo lives in groups mostly 2-4 members and travels and feeds in mobs. Although the Red Kangaroo can be seen in large groups, it is truly not social. Red Kangaroos are generally active at night but also in low periods of light, but by saying this it is possible to see them out in the bright sunlight. In hot weather Red Kangaroos promote heat loss by evaporation by licking their forearms.
The male kangaroos are not territorial and fight only females that come into heat. When male kangaroos fight they mostly are seen standing up on their hind limbs and attempt to push their opponent off balance. If the fight becomes intense the Red Kangaroo starts to kick its fighter. This is why Red Kangaroos are known as kick boxers when it comes to fighting.
The Red Kangaroo is mainly found throughout the semi-arid regions of Australia. The Red Kangaroo lives in grasslands, shrub lands, deserts, woodlands and open forest. It is most common in open savanna woodlands, but prefers sparsely wooded or open plains.
The Red Kangaroo is a consumer because it gets its energy from eating food. It is a herbivore which is a plant eater and preys on shrubs, flowering plants, foliage and plenty of grass of different varieties.
The Red Kangaroo is known for being prey to many animals. The Red Kangaroo’s predators include dingoes, man, Tasmanian Devils, Foxes and many more.