Photograph by Bob Petersen Florida, USA via Wikimedia Commons
Pond Apple
Annona glabra
Size/weight: The Pond Apple is typically 50 - 150mm in size and can weigh usually 1 - 2kg varying on the size of the apple itself. The tree can grow to a staggering 15 metres, but it usually only gets to 3 - 6 metres. It also looks like a skinned custard apple and the size of a mango. The apple, when it first grows is a dark green colour and can be extremely hard to see in trees, although over time the apple becomes a slight yellow colour indicating that it is ripe. The leaves vary depending on the size of the tree and the top of the leaf varies from light green to dark green depending on its life.
Distribution, Abundance and Habitat
The tree of the Pond Apple is typically found around mangroves and muddy areas but can form in a variety of other places such as rainforests, wetlands and swamps. Currently the Pond Apple covers 2000ha of wet tropics in Queensland and is considered a pest as it spreads so quickly.